Monday, January 4, 2010

Negative Effects Of Tanning Are There Any Negative Effects Of Using Fake Tan Long-term?

Are there any negative effects of using fake tan long-term? - negative effects of tanning

I had a large ulcer type sore on his right leg for six months, is treated by a dermatologist at the time. It began as a small red mark, like the bite of fleas, and it just grew and grew. It is one and a half inches wide, and a biopsy, no infection, no malignant cells without fungal cells treated with Protopic Fucibet; Dermovate Betnovate .. and you have very few real improvements. I stayed with all the creams, exfoliating products, solarium, and only with a soft, like cream or Aveeno E45-hydrate and Betnovate. I followed a course of antibiotics to kill infections. Three days ago, with the beautiful weather, I decided to use his legs tanning for the first time in months .... and voila! Three red dots have been raised as the original .... in the same Shin not that my dermaologist for a week to see, but ... Who knows whether it is an ingredient in fake tan, that this type of reaction in long-term use may lead?


Cheeks said...

It could be an infected hair follicle, where she shaved her legs. A tan can go to a hair behind and open sores / blisters. Everywhere, not just the legs to try Try to see if it looks good.

WHO AM I said...

I used it as a fake, using my sister and she ended up like a Wotsit Corny, bright orange.

laplandf... said...

I like Mrs. Tango * LOL *

Theresa S said...

Follicles infected

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